Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

One week old M'kayla

Shot on 12/20/07

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photoshop Final project!!!

Well Sunday was the last day of my photoshop 1 class here's my final project (A Children's Book Cover)!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Youseline's HeadShot

So my homie, Youseline is thinking about entering into the acting world so I told her I would help her get some pictures together for a comp card... Thanks Rita for the makeup!

Saturday.... I shot 9 year old Arielle

So my third installment in my children's photo project is ARIELLE

Monday, November 26, 2007

Aatiyah & Aminah

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Photoshop Project Revision....

okay after everyone in my class D I S S E D my project...I revamped it a lil.... I guess less is best....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shot Tiera today


Friday, November 16, 2007

Photoshop class project

I finished my project for photoshop class. I find selecting images the most challenging but hopeful my professor will appreciate my efforts! The assignment was to take an old image and create a surreal image one, our reference was fine art photographer, Maggie Taylor.Check out her site!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

OMG!!!! I did

I've been trying to take a black & white picture and give certain portions of it color ....well, I did it!!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

My new lens....

Feeling a little defeated these days so.... I went and purchased a 50mm lens. LOVE IT!!!!! I only got the 1.8 which after bought it I considered getting the 1.4 for the extra stop. I'm totally happy with the results of the photos I've taken so far.

I stopped by a photoshoot yesterday and took some behind the scene shoots

Friday, November 9, 2007

Director Kasi Lemmons (Talk to Me) @ AAWIC

The African American Women in Cinema Film Festival debut tonite with a private screening of Talk to Me Directed by Kasi Lemmons.... what I great movie!!!! I found it so sad that so many people were rob of the opportunity to see it in theaters. This movie only showed in select movie theaters when it premiered, but its on dvd I suggested everyone go to Best Buy, Circuit City etc and pick it up...great story but even better directing....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Favorite People

So my old Photo Editor for FasSPO (RIP) is entering in to reality show stardom. So she came up with the idea to hold exhibition called my favorite people... Today she learned the reality its a hard task to put a project together but she had a great turn out!!!!! There was lots of love in the house tonight

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tv show THE WIRE Actor turns Designer....Brooklyn Fashion Week(end)

Its Brooklyn Fashion Week(end) While Friday was a bust since it rain.....Today prove to be really nice start to the weekend show...Jaime Hector debut his line ROYAL ADDICTION with the help of some of his cast members from the WIRE!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Photography Class

So today we meet an hour earlier to shoot outside, last week we went over DEPTH OF FIELD & MOTION. Under MOTIONs we learned about a cretive blur, stopping motion and panning. I asked our Instructor to saw us panning here is what I accomplished!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Behind the scenes at the SALTE photo shoot

Sunday Oct 14, 2007 I had the pleasure to be behind the scenes at the SALTE photo shoot shot by Piper Carter. Designer Najwe Moses of Styleaholics famed shopping party and subway party is finally launching her greatly anticipated earring line. Stay Tuned to fine out where to purchase, this must have item!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saturday, I got my CANON 40D!!!!

Yes I finally got my birthday gift to myself... its awesome stay tune for photos...*smile*

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

NEW Point & Shoot camera....

Today I got the CANON PowerShot SD850 IS.. I want to say so far it rocks, I need more time with it but check out a few shots I took....

I took one in my digital photography class too.

Friday, August 31, 2007

I had to take this picture......

$54.11 for infants and toddlers this is too much

Monday, August 20, 2007

Photo Contest...

Today in the mail I received this letter advising one of my photos will advance in a contest to receive Ten Thousand Dollars. The picture will also be published in a book!!! I'm so excited!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My ViRGo video flyer....

I put it on myspace and I got a good response so I guess it came out okay... So this is video #2

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Here is my first video blog

I videotaped this Saturday Aug 4 in the Hamptons and I just hope to get better and better at this because I'm very rusty at editing video. I cant wait to start my Final Cut Pro class!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Getting Ready for Class.....

Today I received my prepayment voucher for my FIT classes, I am so excited but I can not stop thinking in the back of my mind i'm I straight crazy for taking one class online at AIO (Art Institute Online) and 3 classes at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) there will be so many assignments to do. I have so much time to make up for so.... I'm going to be determined, strong and get these A's.

After walking back and forth between the Barnes and Noble on 20th and 6 ave and 18th and 5 ave, I purchased my two textbooks for class.
I decided this weekend to not buy the nikon d200 and get the canon 30d instead reason being the lenses and flashes that I will purchase for my rebel will not work on a nikon so for now I will work on my purchase of the canon 30d so I purchased two books on both cameras.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


.....Okay I'm finally starting my photo/video blog

These are a few shots I took yesterday...I love taking photos of kids!!!