Friday, August 31, 2007

I had to take this picture......

$54.11 for infants and toddlers this is too much

Monday, August 20, 2007

Photo Contest...

Today in the mail I received this letter advising one of my photos will advance in a contest to receive Ten Thousand Dollars. The picture will also be published in a book!!! I'm so excited!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My ViRGo video flyer....

I put it on myspace and I got a good response so I guess it came out okay... So this is video #2

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Here is my first video blog

I videotaped this Saturday Aug 4 in the Hamptons and I just hope to get better and better at this because I'm very rusty at editing video. I cant wait to start my Final Cut Pro class!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Getting Ready for Class.....

Today I received my prepayment voucher for my FIT classes, I am so excited but I can not stop thinking in the back of my mind i'm I straight crazy for taking one class online at AIO (Art Institute Online) and 3 classes at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) there will be so many assignments to do. I have so much time to make up for so.... I'm going to be determined, strong and get these A's.

After walking back and forth between the Barnes and Noble on 20th and 6 ave and 18th and 5 ave, I purchased my two textbooks for class.
I decided this weekend to not buy the nikon d200 and get the canon 30d instead reason being the lenses and flashes that I will purchase for my rebel will not work on a nikon so for now I will work on my purchase of the canon 30d so I purchased two books on both cameras.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


.....Okay I'm finally starting my photo/video blog

These are a few shots I took yesterday...I love taking photos of kids!!!